After graduating from Drake University, we'll be embarking on a year-long
adventure to improve education in Ghana, Africa. When sharing this decision
with people, many people have asked why Africa and what exactly we will be
doing. Please allow us to elaborate.

When reflecting back on our time spent in Ghana, there is not one specific moment when we knew that moving there was going to be our next step in life. However, we both have had the opportunity to teach in the schools and experience firsthand the disparity and need that hinders learning there. Picture 30 students gathered under a large tree sitting on broken benches huddled around a single cracked chalkboard trying to learn. Picture a small classroom filled with over 60 kindergarten age students trying to gain the attention of a single teacher. Picture five year olds running over their classmates trying to get to the front of the room only to ask to go next door to get the family’s only pencil from their older brother or sister. Picture the children who are not fortunate enough to be enrolled in school hiding behind the trees that line the school grounds, standing for hours on end to try and hear what their friends are learning. This is the environment, which we’ve taught in and experienced, but more importantly these are the realities of education and everyday life in rural Ghana.

How you can partner with us:
Give: We are going to be working in a school and
community that has a lot of expected and unexpected needs. Our goal is to raise
significant funds to help cover the needs of the school and students. Some
possible uses for the funds include feeding 200 school children on a daily
basis ($200 per day), student uniforms ($13-14), teacher salaries ($100 per
month per teacher), student transportation ($150 per week), and educational
Donations can be made in two forms.
- Become a part of the 1200 club! To help meet the needs
as they arise on a monthly basis, we are asking you to consider a
recurring donation of $100.00 or more a month. In return, you will receive
a monthly newsletter with project updates and have your name displayed in
the Kingdom building and on the website.
Make a one-time donation to Kingdom Cares
International toward Education Development in Ghana:
Follow Us:
Like the Kingdom Cares Community School Facebook Page and/or
follow our blog: Here you will find more information about the school,
projects, and we will also post updates and pictures throughout our endeavors
so you can follow the journey.
Information about donating:
1. All
donations are tax-deductible.
2. Please
label all donations
3. Checks
can be made out and mailed to:
Kingdom Cares International at 6095 NE Industry
Drive Des Moines, IA 50313
4. Give
online by visiting the corresponding link above.
If you have questions or would like more information about the
work we will be doing in Ghana, please do not hesitate to email us at
Thank you in advance for your love and support!
*Anna & Mary*
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